Every time i close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise.

Vi skulle klara vad som helst, vi skulle aldrig säga nej.

Alla mina tankar kretsar omkring sjuka saker.

Man skjuts i ryggen om man flyr.

Ville va hög på livet, men gjorde självmål.

Och jag är bra på att vara själv men usel på att vara ensam.

Var ute och plåtade lite idag, tänkte ni skulle få se resultatet. Fullt medveten om att jag ser sur ut på varjebild...


so you’ve been awake for a few minutes now. thinking about what you ate yesterday. the stupid, stupid mistakes that you would love to go back and change. the calories that didn’t make you any happier. that extra digit that showed up on the scale. so you’re going to do what? sit on tumblr all day staring at the pictures of the girls that you wish you could be? read the blogs of girls who are succeeding? try to not eat for a few hours and then give into your depression? NO. you will achieve it. screw that scale. screw the people who told you you weren’t worth it. screw the food sitting in the pantry, the fridge, the stores, the restaurants. ladies, it’s day 1 of no more binges. day 1 of consistent pound loss. day 1 of sore abs, legs, and butts. count ahead a few days. where are you? day 30 of the guys noticing you. day 47 of proving your family wrong. day 59 of your skinny friends not lying when they call you pretty. day 70 of not being embarrassed in dressing rooms. day 82 of everyone asking if you’ve lost weight. day 95 of shopping in the small sizes. day 110 of people picking you up to give you hugs without thinking you’re too heavy. day 123 of feeling the jealousy of other girls looking at you. day 132 of being somebody else’s thinspo. you can’t get to those days without having a day 1. and those dates may seem far away, but think about this: day 2 includes being happy with your choices from the day before.

Jag far hellre framåt mot min vilja än jag vänder.


Alla mina tankar kretsar omkring sjuka saker.

För några dagar bestämde jag mig för att testa att ta bilder med fläkt. Det gick ju inte jääätteeee bra direkt.. Jag var tvungen att ha rätt lång slutartid eftersom att det va såpass mörkt i rummet så 130 bilder av 140 vart bara suddiga, sen var det ju inte alla bilder som är godkända att lägga ut, så det slutade med att det vart 3 hyfsade bilder, haha..

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